It’s been a little while since the last post, and I’ve had a busy couple of weeks which is great. I had quite a few clients last week including a 2.5 hour session of latex and anal. The client has been coming to The House for years but it was the first time he had seen me and I was a little nervous. I find that I get a bit intimidated by experienced clients who usually see more experienced Mistresses. I explained the things I wasn’t fully confident with and he was happy to help me with aspects like the restrictive bondage positions. It’s nice when a client is open to teaching apprentices. We had a really good repour straight away and talked at length about possible sessions for that day and the future.
He was really into being covered head to toe with latex; catsuit, gloves and mask. The other thing he was really into was anal. The amount this guy got up his ass was pretty impressive, as was the amount of anal orgasms he had. It was a really enjoyable session and a good learning experience, but a big job to clean up (fucking talcum powder and lube everywhere).
I mentioned a client in my last post that asked me about a ‘Sugar Daddy’ arrangement; well he contacted me a few days ago. Actually he contacted me twice, must be keen. He asked in his email if I was still interested and it took me a few days to reply. Developments in my private life, namely being collared by Mark, have made me reconsider if I want to go ahead with an arrangement. I replied to his email asking him to outline ideas he had in mind and I will wait to see what he offers before making my mind up. I would love the money, and he seems like an nice enough guy to hang out with, but I don’t want him encroaching on my time to the point I can’t be a good submissive to my Master. The guy lives in another city so he wouldn’t require me all the time, but it’s possible that he might want me to be available for him whenever he is in town. So again I wait for his response and will see what happens.
I recently told my mother about my new career and she was pretty supportive. I’d built up a lot of anxiety before the conversation but things actually went quite smoothly. It’s such a relief not to have to lie, even though I won’t be telling the entirety of the truth which I think she would prefer.
Some Kind of Climax
15 years ago