I’ve had two sub sessions this week; they were like chalk and cheese.
The first guy was very timid and shy in the waiting room. He wanted a light session with bondage, a bit of spanking and light erotic content. We gave him the basic price, but I had a feeling it wasn’t enough. When we got in the room his demeanour changed completely. He was kind of rough with me but not in a good way; more in an inexperienced way. Everything about him was inexperienced, especially the bondage.
He just wrapped the rope around me all over the shop, no forethought, no skill. Now I can forgive that, but the worst part was he was so impatient trying to get it off. He’d get sick of one position and then be so in a hurry to get the ropes off he’d just pull and tug and make the whole mess worse.
I was right when it came to the price being too low; he certainly tried to get his money’s worth. He was constantly in a rush, trying to cram everything in one session. He was rough without having asked for that (not light) and then tried to do things we hadn’t agreed on like pegs on the pussy and breast bondage (not light). It just made the session really stressful and annoying.
The worst part was I felt like I wasn’t even in the room. He pawed me like a doll, and not in a good way. It was like I was a piece of clay that he was pushing and pulling. He didn’t care about my pleasure or enjoyment. Now that can be fine if that’s the role play, but this was no role play it was just shit. He was like a teenage boy that never gets a chance to touch a girl and then is so over-enthusiastic it’s painful.
The second guy on the other hand was what I would call a real Master. It was one of the best sessions I’ve ever had at work. I felt dominated, under his control. He was very skilled at bondage and did some great rope work as well as restraint positions. There was hair pulling and light breath play. He used me as his property but in a respectful way. He complemented me when I did things well and chastised me when I did things wrong. It was a head fuck and a body fuck; I was so high afterwards. It was just so great to have a session that suited me so well.
It’s funny how different they were. I have such an interesting job.
Some Kind of Climax
15 years ago