Monday, March 22, 2010

Chastity key.

Just wanted to show you the lovely gift my chastity slave gave me. He loved the idea of the key to his chastity device hanging around my neck so he bought me a necklace to hang it on. I liked the extra touch of having an 'M' on their for my name as well as Mistress.

HIgh as a kite.

I had a really great session with a regular client yesterday. He’s a young guy who’s really into being a horny slut slave. He’s a cheeky little shit who loves to provoke me, but at some point he switches into slut mode and does whatever I say. He loves having his face slapped, spat on and getting covered in my piss. It’s quite hot and horny.

Last time I saw him I introduced some discipline in the hopes that it would become a regular part of our sessions. If I’m going to see someone on a regular basis I want to be able to do things I enjoy as well as what they are into, or it’s just not fun. I’d given him a few cane strokes and hoped that he would come back and ask for more. He did.

He had a role play worked out and asked for more of the discipline as well as his usual session. I really pushed him this time. I was encouraged by how well he was taking it, deep breathing and focusing the pain. So I just pushed him until I could see he’d reached his limit. I introduced some hot wax, pouring it on his cock and balls. He really loved it and I did some more later in the session too.

By the end of the session he was high as a kite. It took him quite some time to come back to reality and I was really happy that I could take him there. Great sessions like that really encourage me to try and give that to all my clients, and they teach me a lot about taking the client on a journey.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Q & A

I've done this over at my other blog but I thought it would be interesting here too.

March question month. Do you have any questions for me relating to my job as a Pro Domme or about what goes on at my work?

Leave your questions in the comments or email them to if you want them to be anonymous.

I look forward to hearing them.

A new phase.

For the first time I feel like a Mistress. I need to explain that a little I know. For a long time now, and with quite a number of clients, I have felt that I am performing for them. It’s probably to do with being a submissive and always wanting to please, as well as the fact that these people are paying me. I will always have that ‘need-to-please gene’ but I’m finally figuring out my dominant side and ability to control slaves. It has come after developing a couple of regular clients, one who always lets me do whatever I want to him, and the second who I have now taken as my chastity slave.

The first slave is so very obedient and never asks for a thing, just allows me to do whatever I feel like. He just enjoys serving and has allowed me to feel at least a temporary control over him. These types are few and far between.

With the second client, who we will call Chastity slave, I have been able to take my dominance to a new level. He came in for a session yesterday and I had my usual pre-session nerves. It’s a silly thing to think but as I said I always want to please. As I sat thinking more about it I realised I had the upper hand for what felt like the first time since taking this job. This man wanted to be my chastity slave so he was the one that needed to please me. He had asked for this, he had chosen me and he needed to prove that he was worthy.

I was suddenly aroused, not by him, but by the idea of the control. I had already planned on sending him home that session with the chastity device in place having not cum. I did too. It was the first time I had ever done that, sent a client home without cumming. Oh the thrill!

It was the strangest feeling of power, and I know it will only make my other sessions better. I will be more confident and authoritative. And some clients need that from the get go. They want a slightly arrogant, you-aren’t-worthy attitude on their Mistress. I mean it’s the stereotype isn’t it, and they are all coming for the fantasy.

Below is some notes I took from the session and wrote up for the slave.

Summary of verbal contract between Mistress M and Chastity slave 7th March 2010

Chastity key belongs to Mistress M and device is to be worn at all times except when:

a) Accidently falls off (in which case it is to be immediately replaced)
b) slave has Dr. appt. or other necessity
c) When slave feels Mistress’ genitals are at health risk (where upon it can be removed for a period defined by Mistress).
d) Or otherwise instructed by Mistress.

slave will keep a Chastity Diary which will contain the following:

a) Records of when and why chastity device was removed or fell off and when it went back on.
b) Brief details of when arousal occurred, for what reason, and if anything occurred because of it.
c) Any unauthorised or authorised ejaculation.
d) Description of any tasks given to slave by Mistress.
e) Details of any cross-dressing that occurs.

A weekly summary of the Chastity diary will be emailed to Mistress every Saturday. Email frequency will be kept to a minimum.

slave has given Mistress a list of his preferred activities and desires but accepts it is Mistress’ will that determines what will take place in session. Mistress will respect slave’s hard limits and will not unjustly punish slave. slave has agreed to take discipline for Mistress’ pleasure and promises to try hard in all tasks put forth by Mistress.

slave will email Mistress when he can afford a session and will also make the phone booking through the House receptionist.

Mistress may send slave various tasks between sessions to be completed at home.

This agreement is ongoing and can be changed by Mistress at anytime or upon request by slave and agreement by Mistress.


So I’m very excited by this new phase. It should definitely give me some more stories for the blog, which I’m determined to update more often.

Thank you out there to those still hanging around.