It’s hard to describe the feeling. My mind is clear, numb, tired.
The Master was severe. I was introduced to him by a very experienced sub (Mistress). She thought I would enjoy, and benefit from the experience. I’m glad she was there as it took some of the steam out of the Master having to discipline two subs. It was almost harder to see and hear her be disciplined than it was for me to take it. The slight breaks between my thrashings were a relief, yet I craved more and was equally afraid again when it was my turn. I got the ruler and the yard stick first. Oh boy did he crack that thing hard on my ass. I screamed and thanked the Master for his punishment. After that was over I was stood in the corner and I was in a daze. I had entered subspace and all I could do was stand and breathe and wait. Each time he bought the cane down on the other sub I cringed with her cries. Yet my cunt was dripping wet. From what I recall it was wet even before I was hit, simply from the fear and anticipation. It was then my turn for the cane. Each time the cane came down on my ass I screamed and tried not to move. I could feel the end of the cane biting into the side of my ass as it wrapped around on its way down. It’s hard to recall how many strokes, perhaps 10. We swapped again and I waited, holding the canes for the Master. When he asked the sub to count down her last six strokes I knew it was almost over. As I took my place for the final time I held on for dear life. I think I might have received another 10 or so but I wasn’t counting; I was crying. He counted the last 6 and I just sunk into the bed sobbing. It wasn’t over. I got another 6 with the yard stick just to drive home the pain of the cane welts. The scene finished with some erotic content that seems irrelevant in my mind right now. We thanked him and glided into the back room. The other sub and I were so high. Completely on another planet; a pain slut, masochistic heaven. She knew I would love it the way she did, and all I could do was thank her. I never said ‘Mercy’ once. Even thought the pain was more than I thought I could bare I still didn’t want it to stop. I just took one stroke at a time.
There is nothing like it, and really nothing that can describe it. Bliss, space, flying, clarity, joy...so many words that don’t suffice. It was one of those sessions that isn’t work, it’s personal, and it was great.
It sounds beautiful :).