He was cute and French and he wanted to meet me. He told me about seeing Mistresses in France and I came to realise he was quite an experienced submissive. This intimidated me straight away. I felt I wouldn’t be able to give him a good session considering I’m still very new. I asked him if he was into bondage and he said that he was, and that he had seen a Mistress in Japan at a bondage house; great another thing I was intimidated about. We spoke a little more and he mentioned how strange it was being asked such questions. He explained that in France the Mistress decides what goes on in session, not the submissive. So in a way it was an exciting proposition to have this sub at my disposal, open to anything I wanted to do. And at the same time it was scary as hell.
He finally picked me and wanted a 2 hour session. I was running around like a chook wondering what to do in the session, and trying to get into the right headspace.
I began with discipline; spanking, paddles, straps and floggers. Another Mistress came in and gave him a caning as I haven’t felt ready to give them myself yet. We made him count the ten cane strokes in French, which was just delicious.
After the discipline I began his slut training. This was a term he used and I tried to interpret as best I could. I began by putting lipstick on him which before long was all over my strap-on cock. I made him suck me off and I really enjoyed grabbing the back of his head and forcing the cock down his throat. I made him gag all over my cock, it was fabulous.
Every sub has a magic button that just sends them into sub land, his was nipples. I pulled and twisted his nipples and he just melted.
After placing a large butt plug in his ass I continued to torture him with varies implements, pinwheel, riding crop to the cock and balls and nipple clamps. The pinwheel worked exceptionally well when he was blindfolded, something I noted for the future.
I fucked his ass with my strap-on cock and he really got into it, as did I. There were mirrors all around and it was great to watch myself completely pound this hot French guy. I’m not personally that into fucking guys like this, but when I do get into it I really enjoy it. Because he was attractive I felt comfortable getting up close to him when we were fucking. I would breathe on his neck or bit him, and I think it added t the feel of the session. I was discussing the other day with someone the importance of physical intimacy within a session and how it can make a big difference to how the sub feels and reaches their subspace.
I ended the session by pissing on him in the shower as he masturbated. It was very hot.
I realised a few things I could have done better after the session but overall I think I did well. He seemed to enjoy himself. It was a great experience to have someone so open to what I wanted to do. I look forward to learning more so I have more things to offer.
I flirted with him before he left and told him to make sure he came in to see me next time he was visited Sydney.
Some Kind of Climax
15 years ago