What a weird morning. I had a client come in to see me for a ‘Morning special’, a reduced priced session for clients who come in earlier in the morning (when it’s usually quiet). I met the client; he was fairly harmless and only had a few requests. The session was quite easy, forced masturbation and anal play. He mentioned that I had done a phone session with him a little while ago and after a brief recap I recalled the details.
For the phone session he had sent me a picture of himself dressed in a body stocking with a huge erection. This in itself was quite funny and when I did the phone session we talked about the outfit, and of course the erection. I also as had to call him a wanker while he of course, wanked. He told me over the phone that he had printed my pictures from The House’s website and was masturbating over them. Now as much as this grossed me out I didn’t have to see it so I just put it out of my mind.
So back to this morning and all these memories flash through my mind. The client also said he would enjoy seeing as much of my body as possible within the session. I said no straight away, as nudity is not part of the ‘Morning special’. So at this point I was happy to do the session although I wasn’t enthusiastic. The client then produces a bag and I wonder what he has brought with him (perhaps some panties etc). He pulls out some rolled up pieces of A4 paper that have images printed on them. I notice that they are picture of me from the website. This is when I started to think things were getting weird. I’m sitting there wondering why he needs to show me pictures of myself when he flips over a page that just made me speechless. There on the page was the image of his crotch that he had sent me for the phone session. Stuck on top of that was a cut out picture of me. On top of the picture of me was a picture of his rock hard cock. This man had superimposed his cock right over my chest and face.
The look of horror on my face was obvious, I may have said “Oh my god”, and gagged but I can’t recall. He quickly shoved them back in the bag when he realised I wasn’t pleased. I excused myself out of the room and practically ran out the door. I sat down with receptionist and tried to work out what to do. I knew I should do the session but I couldn’t get that image out of my head. I had lost all power and felt almost violated. It’s one thing for them to do this at home but I don’t want to fucking see it or know about it. How did he think that I would want to see that? “Oh, well done. You get an A+ in arts and crafts. How creative” Should I be flattered? I don’t fucking think so. I was repulsed.
There was no way I could do the session, especially at the reduced rate. In no way did I feel powerful with this man seeing me in this degrading way. I sent the receptionist out to tell him to leave. I made her tell him I would consider seeing him again but not today. I demanded next time when he return that he be more respectful.
It really disturbed me. Luckily I got to spit and piss on some other clients today. I’m now feeling a little better.
Some Kind of Climax
15 years ago
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