I first heard from the client by phone. He had rang to find out if I do light wrestling. We told him yes and he said he'd be arriving soon. I've done a couple of wrestling sessions but they aren't really my fortay. I suppose I don't really understand them, at least not like I understand some other things.
As the client arrived I noticed him on the video monitor approaching the front door. As he climbed the stairs he braced himself on the railing and it was obvious he was quite old.
First meetings are always strange in my job. Some of the most awkward interactions can turn out to be some of the best connections once you get in the room. So it was with our elderly friend. He had a strong upper class british accent, which always gives the impression of condecension, and this was definetly the impression I received. His first question to me was to ask if I was comfortable working with people of his age. I said of course I was, it would be rather unprofessional if I didn't. His session was straight forward wrestling, not too technical, more a bit of a tussel. He wanted no roleplay, and mentioned because of a bout of prostate cancer he could no longer get an erection or cum. Lastly he asked me if I enjoyed his type of session or just offered it as a service. I thought he would appreciate honesty so I told the truth, that it was in fact the latter and I would understand if he wanted to see someone else more interested in wrestling. He was happy to see me in the end and I donned a leotard and tights to feel the part.
Once up in the room it didn't take long for the tension to break and we had quite a fun time rolling about. He was surprisingly strong for an old guy, especially considering he was quite fraile when he tried to kneel down on the floor. His main kink you could say was lying closely together, body length to body length, legs and arms entwined while we both struggled to win control. In a way it was like having sex with your clothes on, the friction of the body being the main attraction, a type of frottage.
At one point I looked down and there was white powder all over my black leotard, and on the black wrestling mat. As I lay resting, trying to figure out what the white stuff was my eyes past the gentleman's legs and noticed they were extremely dry and flaky. Then it clicked, I was covered in this mans skin. It was both hilarious and repulsive at the same time. I've never seen a person mault before. Lol!
We had a few more wrestles and it was over. Not even a twitch from his nether regions. As he dressed we made small talk and he mentioned that he was 84yrs old. Shit, no wonder he was frail and flaky. I asked him if he would like a drink. He replied by saying "I'm going across the road for a beer, would you care to join me?". He had gone from a general dislike of me to trying to pick me up, an 84yr old was hitting on me. I declined, but thanked him all the same, it was after all only 11am. When he was leaving he thanked me and leant over, as he was a tall man, brushed my fringe aside and kissed me on the foreheand like an old grandpa. What a sweet old man.
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